Broker Bay Clarifications- January 19,2023
Broker Bay Clarification
Broker Bay Clarifications
There has been some misinformation floating among agents in the field, so to clarify:
We have provided a file of Inspectors & Photographers to Broker Bay of their programmers to review - we have a couple of possibilities for how they can integrate this data and we expect to have a plan from them in the next few days - but no ETA on an actual, workable solution yet.
Appraisers are set up in NTREIS as MLS Participants, so have the same access to Broker Bay as any Broker or Agent. We have clarified this with the call center as they were including this group in the same cateogry as the Inspector group.
Showing in Pending:
As there are occassions when the buyer agent may need access to the property for the buyer or contractors, etc. Broker Bay has a solution in development to add this option and it is expected to be released in an upcoming update (Feb. 2023 ETA).
Adoption rate:
While over half of firms have launched, to date we have about 26% of agents that have claimed and set up their account profile. For Granbury, Arlington and Lewisville agents, that number is over 35%!
Call Center:
The appointment call center takes call from 7 am to 9 pm CST. However, agents do need to "opt in" to allow the call center to contact their sellers (or other showing configurations) outside of "business day" hours. Once an agent opts in, they can then "opt out" of that option for individual listings that should NOT be contacted after 5. Attached is the response from Broker Bay explaining this as well screenshots and a video clip on the opt in process. They are working towards a more streamlined solution for this, but the opt in is currently required. There is no additional cost for this "concierge service"- it is included in our NTREIS contract, but the individual opt in is required to activiate.
Additionally, we have had reports of agents not getting an answer at the call center, going to voicemail or put on hold. Broker Bay is investigating those complaints; however, they track call response times to which currently is averaging under 20 second. They do not have a voicemail system on the Appointment Desk, so this may be from users using old number- we originally had published a general support number, but have since published the appointment center number (1-800-257-1242)