RatePlug integration to OneHome - Friday, October 08, 2021
RatePlug integration to OneHome
Rateplug is a service NTREIS has offered for many years - agents/brokers can invite their lenders to participate so that current mortgage rates and payment amounts appear on listing displays, but the info only appeared on certain buyer display selections when an agent participated.
With this update, the OneHome listing display will include a link to finance info, displaying the agent's preferred lender info (this product is free to agents; lenders pay a fee to submit their information).
OneHome integration is scheduled to release on Wednesday, October 13, Agents must be enrolled for this data to appear.
Already a RatePlug user? Now is a great time to review your lenders and add new loan officers you know and trust. (Lenders must pay a license fee to participate in the program.)
Additional Info
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