SSO Assure New User Enrollment Changes
It is important that users click the link provided in the welcome email to set up their new account. A user that has not yet enrolled cannot use the "forgot password" method, as the enrollment has not yet been completed. Clareity is working on hiding that option for unenrolled accounts. Staff can send the "recovery link" to a user that is not enrolled.
Existing, enrolled users will use the forgot password to set a new password. They will use their secret questions to authenticate and reset password. For new users enrolled after April 2, they also set up multii factor authentication that can be used to reset their password. Staff should instruct users to use these self directed methods for password assistance; however, if the user is having difficulty, staff can send the recovery link by looking up the user ID in Assure, click on "Account" and clikc on "send reovery link".
Staff accounts can look up a user ID and check the "registration pending" field for status - "True" means the user has not completed the registration. Staff can access the "not registered" report (upper right corner menu next to Home) to see any users that have not yet received their welcome link and the timestamp for those that have received the welcome but have not yet enrolled.